RYA Essential Navigation & Seamanship

Online course Overview

The RYA Online Essential Navigation and Seamanship Course is a basic introduction to navigation, seamanship and safety. It’s a great course for all those who are new to sailing or motorboating or for new skippers wanting to refresh their knowledge. The online course is the best option or all those who are short on time, as you can study from the comfort of your home, in your own time and at your own pace. Should you need it, our instructors are always available to provide you with their support via email or phone.

Essential Navigation and Seamanship - White Wake Sailing

Course type: Theory


Duration: approx 20 hours


Location: Online


Included: Access to the online course (one year), Training pack (RYA Handbook, RYA training charts, breton plotter, dividers, phone or email support


The course aims to introduce the basic concepts of inshore navigation and safety in an easy and enjoyable format. You will be introduced to the basics of navigation including tidal awareness, charts, almanacs and the use of electronic navigation aids such as GPS. You will learn about how to plan an harbour entry and departure, pilotage, including knowledge of buoyage and a basic understanding of the Collision Regulations so you know who has right of way! Time will also be spent looking at sources of weather information and what impact this could have on your passage. You will also learn more about what safety equipment you should carry and how it is used.

How to book

You can book directly online by clicking on the 'add to cart' button below. Or you are more than welcome to give us a call or send us an email and we will send you a confirmation back. Once you book your course, we will set up an online account for you and send you the access codes. You will then be able to access the study material. We will also send you the course pack (RYA Essential Navigation and Seamanship Handbook, training charts, RYA breton plotter, Dividers) to help you get hands on experience.

For a more detailed view of the Syllabus of the course, scroll all the way down


Essential Navigation and Seamanship Online

Please review our Booking and Payment policy Here


Essential Navigation and Seamanship (Online)

299,00 €

  • Available / Plätze frei


Any questions or doubts? Contact us:

+43 664 88360842 or info@white-wake.com


Watch below a short introductory video of the RYA Online Essential Navigation and Seamanship course


1. Charts, publications and nautical terms, introduction to Chart Datum and depths

2. Buoyage, lateral and cardinal buoys, Lights and Lighthouses

3. Navigation, Plotting a position, Measuring distance and bearing, Position fix

4. Personal and boat safety equipment, Safety procedures and briefing, Rescue procedures 

5. Anchoring, where and how to anchor

6. Tides, Tidal streams and heights 

7. Electronic navigation, GPS terms and use, Waypoints 

8. Rules of the road, Risk of collision, Who gives way 

9. Weather forecasts, sources and terminology

10. Pilotage, Harbour information, Transits and Pilotage plan 

11. Passage planning, SOLAS V requirements